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Saying Goodbye!
What a rollercoaster this week has been! We have said goodbye to our leavers, who had a wonderful Prom last Friday evening and had their leavers assembly this past week. It is always a proud moment to see how much our students have grown throughout their learning journey at Highshore, and while it is sad, we also ensure that their achievements and growth are celebrated.
As it is the season for change, I would also like to take the chance to say goodbye to the staff who are also moving on. Change happens every school year, and we wish to ensure that we recognise the significant contribution our departing staff have made to the school.
Chris, our Art teacher, has championed the Arts education for our students throughout her tenure. Her impressive Arts award results have always been a source of pride for the school, and we wish her well for the future.
Josef has had a wonderful career journey since being at Highshore, going from being a TA in class to just this past week submitting his final Early Career Teacher report. Josef has been a wonderful role model for all his students, and best of luck to him in the future.
Yoni has been a valued member of our support staff during the time she has been with us. Yoni has supported students medical, emotional, and learning needs with great care and diligence throughout the school, and I know that there are many students who will miss her presence, as we wish her the best of luck with her next move.
Tony, our Speech and Language therapist, has impacted the lives of all of our students due to his efforts in promoting, advocating for, and ensuring every one of our students has a voice. Anything I say here will not do him justice with the level of input he has provided, and we know that his impact on the school will continue every time we hear students converse or share their voices throughout the day. We also are saying goodbye and wishing the best of luck to Bea and Priya who have been supporting our SaLT provision this past year.
Ali, our Assistant headteacher, has journeyed through every part of Highshore School since he started to work here many years ago. Ali’s impact on the school is evident every single time a visitor comments on how calm and relaxed the atmosphere is throughout the school. Ali has provided stability, leadership, expertise, and, most of all, has been a key person that all students know would keep them safe and made them feel they belonged at Highshore. Ali has played a significant role in establishing the calm, purposeful, and caring culture of the school that is evident today, and we wish him well as he himself gets to enjoy some of the calm and tranquillity he has always modelled for others with his move across the pond.
We have several long term agency staff with us who are moving on, all of whom which the school would not have been able to run without. Tom, Natalie, Edmund and Ruby, the dedication you have shown to our students is immeasurable. You have all shown yourselves to be incredibly caring, professional, thoughtful and have placed the needs of the students first and foremost. All of the students in the school have had a more positive year because you were here to support them and we wish you luck with your future endeavours.
Lastly, I myself will also be moving on from Highshore at the end of this academic year. It has been a wonderful experience to be part of such a dedicated Leadership Team this past year, and I know that Evelina and the team will continue to provide not just the highest level of care for all students but to tirelessly work to ensure their education is of the highest quality.
As always, our doors are always open, and we welcome any feedback, questions, or concerns you may have. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us on 0207 708 6790 or the Family Support mobile number (07511849450). Alternatively, you can email familysupport@highshore.southwark.sch.uk.
Please note there will be one more newsletter next week to include photos of last week’s events and information for September.