
Welcome Highshore Alumni

We are calling out to former Highshore School students to get in touch and join our alumni community. It doesn’t matter when you left school, whether you’re in further education or employment, living at home, whether you have moved further away, there are still ways you can participate and help.

Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future.

You can choose how and when you help – perhaps by speaking at assemblies, meeting with students who are interested in a particular job, offering work experience, mentoring a student who needs career guidance or supporting one of our departments/ teachers or classes. You can have a dramatic impact upon how our students see the world and their place in the world.

We encourage each of you to stay engaged and share your exciting updates with us sharing your news and successes.

If you have ideas for the alumni programme or feedback on any aspect of alumni relations, please email our Development Lead.

In order to sign up to help the school, just complete the form below – we promise it will only take a couple of minutes.




If you wish to do work experience at Highshore (places will be limited) then please complete and return the below Volunteer Application Form

  Volunteer Application Form


Return either form to

Alumni Reunion Event 6th December 2024

It was another great success with numbers even greater than the last time with nearly 100 ex-students from 2014 onwards and 20 parents/carers in attendance.

We had a disco with a wonderful DJ and absolutely amazing food from Fooditude who have supported our students with work experience opportunities in the catering and hospitality sector. The evening was filled with warmth, memories and was alive with shared stories and laughter.

We need to give a special thanks to the Highshore Parent Group for helping to organise this hugely successful event and this has also set a good foundation for further events and engagements in the future.

Finally, we would like to give a huge thank you to all the ex-students and their families who attended the event to make it such a success.


"At Highshore, we deeply value the community ethos we’ve created, and consider it integral to everything we do. As you embark on new adventures, you remain an essential part of this community, regardless of where life takes you or your initial connection to our remarkable school—whether as a student or parent/carer."


Abdul Moquith: Assistant Headteacher