Family Support

Stephanie King is our dedicated Family Support Worker.

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Please don't hesitate to reach out to us on 0207 708 6790 or the Family Support mobile number (07511849450). Alternatively, you can email


The Family Support Worker’s role includes:

  • Facilitating the Parents resource making group
  • Assisting families in accessing services, completing forms and paperwork (including Benefits, Transport and Housing)
  • Working with parents to improve pupil attendance at school
  • Being able to offer individual support through home visits
  • Attending parents evenings/meetings
  • Sourcing information for parents e.g. Holiday programmes, enrichment opportunities
  • Liaising with the Parent group and supporting their activities such as; our International Evening  and Leavers Prom

We aim to support parents and families by:

 Communicating Well

  • We have a weekly newsletter which can be emailed to parents
  • We hold parent and governor meeting at least twice yearly
  • We hold half termly parent drop in sessions, attended by our Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Occupational Therapist (OT), School Nurse and Family Worker
  • Our Family Worker holds half termly coffee mornings
  • Our website and Twitter feeds are update regularly

 Offering Training

  • Computer (ICT) Training, Keeping Safe Online training (E-Safety) and Makaton Communication training
  • Elklan (speech and language) training, E-Safety Training and workshops on reading at home with your child

 Keeping Abreast of Change

  • We ensure our Family Worker and relevant colleagues keep up to date with training
  • Offer a ‘Destinations’ meeting for parents of year 14 pupils to assist with the changing provisions for students moving on from Highshore