Highshore School - Pupil in Art & Design Class

Careers Curriculum

Career Aims

Our goal at Highshore is that as many as of our young people possible obtain employment in the future.

We aim for students to experience and participate in the world of work as fully as possible. We run both internal and external work experience programmes, visits to work places and employability workshops from organisations. This gives our students the chance to focus on their independence, communication and self-help skills, better enabling them to seek employment upon leaving school.

Aims of WEX

Mind map

Our students, parents, staff and governors are committed to getting Highshore students into the wider community outside of school. Highshore School’s core values are independence, self –help and communication. A working environment is a great way for students to practice these skills so upon leaving school and seeking employment students are best equipped to make decisions about their future choices and employment prospects. The success of this is measured through reviews with pupils, parents and employers. This information is to be next reviewed in June 2023.

We are always looking for new community partners so please get in touch with Dom Fryer, our Careers Lead and Community Liaison, to discuss ideas and we can tailor to individual requirements. 



Work Experience: This could be in a long or short term capacity. Some students go to work experience one day a week (which could be a few hours) or a week’s work experience Monday- Friday. We work with employers to run a flexible programmes to suit both the organisation and student needs.

 Volunteering: If your organisation would like to contribute in other ways, we have corporate responsibility teams come in to help at school we also have regular classroom or holiday programme volunteers.