Student with teacher playing with toy cars

Pupil Premium & Year 7 Top Up Funding

Year 7 Top Up Funding 2021-2022

At Highshore school we have been allocated £4170. The funds have been allocated between 7R and 7J. Funds have been spent in the following areas to support pupil’s individual needs:

  • Pupil development
  • Social and emotional development
  • Reading Progress

We have purchased new sensory resources so as to support pupil’s mental health and ensuring positive engagement for sensory learning within subject specific time.

A planned circus workshop has been arranged as an opportunity to promote students social and communication skills and support for topic work.

A proportion of the budget will be spent on engagement in reading through age and ability appropriate books. We hope to see motivation and enjoyment of stories increased. All students will have access to age appropriate and multicultural stories that develop reading skills and imagination.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024